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Writing With Confidence: Writing Beginner To Writing Pro
Section one – getting started
Introduction – is this course right for you? (2:44)
Activity: introduce yourself!
Three tips for overcoming writer's block (2:11)
The #1 habit that sets great writers apart (2:23)
Activity: four AMAZING tools to develop the #1 habit of great writers!
Quiz: Introduction to writing
Section one summary
Section two – knowing your reader
Introduction: Why knowing your reader is the starting point of all great writing (1:19)
Don't write for readers! (2:46)
Activity: who is your reader?
How your reader really sees you (3:12)
Activity: reflect on how your reader really sees you
So what's your point, exactly? (3:16)
The three questions you need to ask before you even start to write (7:11)
Acitivity: use this guide for your next writing project!
Does your writing pass the "so what?" test? (5:43)
Activity: apply the "so what?" test
How readers read... (3:55)
...and what to do about it (6:36)
The reason you've probably been starting in the wrong place (5:28)
Assignment: can you make this email more compelling for the reader?
The one word no reader can resist (3:49)
Assignment: how would you respond?
Two real-life reader awareness FAILS - and how to fix them (7:42)
A brilliant technique to get inside your reader's head (9:31)
Activity: Build an in-depth profile of your reader
Quiz: knowing your reader
Section 2: summary
Section three – write less, say more
Three reasons to write less (2:17)
The writing habit that makes you sound like a liar (4:38)
Trimming the fat: where to start (2:48)
Ditch these unnecessary words (4:40)
Flabby phrases to avoid (5:04)
The lazy descriptors that will weigh your writing down (9:10)
A brilliant online tool for making your writing leaner (2:43)
Assignment: Cut the lazy, unnecessary descriptors
Mind maps are evil - here's what to do instead! (2:12)
Activity: edit this text to make it shorter and more compelling!
Quiz: write less, say more
Section three summary
Section four – how to get your message across to the widest possible audience
Why there's really no need to worry about dumbing down (4:22)
How to get your message across to the widest possible audience (4:10)
How to avoid the curse of knowledge (4:27)
Activity: Try out this online tool for banishing the curse of knowledge (3:28)
Choosing the best words for the job (5:36)
Tips for choosing the best words (3:08)
Quiz: winning over a wider audience
Section four summary
Section five – how to craft sentences that sing
The number one writing habit that's turning your readers off (4:09)
Burn this figure into your brain! (2:11)
Three quick ways to identify a sentence that will send your reader scuttling (3:11)
How to tame a sentence that's out of control (7:25)
How to structure your sentences to make them easy to read (9:28)
More tips on structuring your sentences for maximum readability (5:12)
How to knit your sentences together to make your writing flow (7:41)
Activity: turn these sentences into something beautiful!
Now we're ready to put a little music into your writing (10:41)
Quiz: how to craft sentences that sing
Activity: use sentence length to tell a story with music and drama
Section five summary
Section six – incorporating stories into your business and technical writing
What do we mean by storytelling anyway? (1:20)
Show, don't tell (4:39)
Your endless source of stories (2:51)
Why you need to use concrete language (2:41)
An unforgettable story (4:28)
A brilliant tool for making your writing more vivid (2:54)
Nounitis – how to spot abstract nouns (3:56)
Activity: Identify the nouns and verbs in this extract
Nounitis - how nouns can make your writing lifeless (3:43)
Assignment – cure these terrible cases of 'nounitis'
The neuroscience of stories (5:48)
Quiz: telling your story
How to get to the "why" with a metaphor (11:23)
How to hit on the perfect metaphor (7:31)
Activity: metaphor challenge #1!
How to use storytelling techniques to bring data to life (5:15)
Activity: metaphor challenge #2!
Active writing: a storytelling tip from Hemingway, Orwell...and Beyonce! (6:25)
Building trust: another reason to make your story active (10:53)
Assignment: tackle these passives!
The secret to making your story go viral (6:12)
Quiz: telling your story
Section six summary
Section seven – advanced persuasion techniques
Introduction to rhetoric (1:03)
Assignment: analyse this piece of business writing
The rising tricolon (4:14)
Activity: the rising tricolon
Anaphora: the artful use of repetition to persuade (2:53)
Activity: anaphora
Epiphora: another type of artful repetition (1:27)
Activity: epiphora
Asyndeton: removing the 'ands' and the 'buts' (1:34)
Activity: asyndeton
Polysyndeton: putting in extra 'ands' and 'buts' (1:30)
Activity: polysyndeton
Chiasmus: the persuasive power of a criss-cross pattern (2:25)
Activity: chiasmus
Antithesis: why opposites attract (3:40)
Activity: antithesis
Hypophora: posing a question to your reader (2:48)
Activity: hypophora
Alliteration: using repeated sounds to make your point (2:27)
Activity: alliteration
Assignment: revisit the employee manifesto
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The three questions you need to ask before you even start to write
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